2020 Transport Projects in the South: Completed R7, R2 under

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2020 Transport Projects in the South: Completed R7, R2 under

Odoslaťod DrX » 09. Jan 2020 13:58

2020 Transport Projects in the South: Completed R7, R2 under construction and truck decommissioning
Drivers commuting from Dunajská Streda and Somorja to the capital may soon be breathing in, as there are signs that thej will be able to hand over much of the R7 expressway to traffic within a few weeks. The expansion of the road network in the southern regions will not stop, and new tenders and construction projects are planned.
Peter Demecs

January 7, 2020 10:00 AM
Expressway R7
Almost all the finishing touches on the two longest sections of the R7 expressway - Photo by Tibor Somogyi

This year, a total of 79 kilometers of motorways and expressways will be put into circulation, much of which will be the R7 expressway in question, the final alignment of which is over 20 kilometers between the Ketelec intersection and Holice. As you can see from the footage taken by our site, the pavement is complete, the lanes of the traffic lanes have been painted, and the installation of noise barriers is about to be completed, so all that remains is to simplify the placement of traffic and signboards. In addition, the administrative steps needed to hand over the road have already begun, so in a few weeks you will really be releasing your first cars on the new expressway. It is not yet known when thej will hand over the entire section of the R7 all the way to Bratislava. The progress of work during the winter months will be mainly influenced by the weather.

The good news is that the National Highway Management Company (NDS) could announce the race this year for the continuation of the R7, the 11-kilometer section between Egyházgelle-Aleece, and start building two new sections of the southern expressway R2.

However, the future of other transport projects in rural areas inhabited by Hungarians is questionable, as if the Slovak parties form a government after the election, the northern regions will most likely be prioritized.

Southern transport plans

The use of road signs forbade lorries to drive to Nagymegyer, thanks to which the roads of Ekecs, Apácaszakállas and Nyárasd were significantly relieved.

The 7 km section between Alistal and Nyárasd has been reconstructed and classified as second-order to second-order.

The more than 20 kilometers section of the R7 motorway between Egyházgelle and Ketelec intersection is being handed over.

If all goes well, thej will be able to finish this year's full R7 to the capital.

Work will begin on two sections of the R2 expressway, between Saca (Šaca) - Košické Olšany and Kriváň - Mýtna.

Within a few weeks, the traffic situation on the heavily congested I / 63 linking Somorje with Bratislava could be significantly improved. The contractor for the R7 / D4 project will soon be releasing two sections of the R7 expressway. It is also good news that more villages in the South are finally being relieved of truck traffic.

It is a big step forward that the contractor will be able to complete the two sections of the R7 motorway between Keteleck intersection and Church Gate (Holice) and the shorter section of the D4 ring between Rovinka and Ketelec intersection.

Those who travel from Dunajská Streda to Bratislava will soon be able to take the new expressway at Church Bell, avoiding the busy and congested highway. The question of where the traffic is going from the Ketelec intersection is that the R7 continuation towards Main Year is not yet complete. Thus, the only viable route will most likely be the cars crossing the completed section of the D4 ring at the intersection and returning to the I / 63 main road at Rovinka.

The situation will be better in the opposite direction, as drivers will be able to take the D4 roundabout immediately after Bratislava, take the R7es at the Keteleck intersection and continue on towards Somorja and Dunajská Streda. The remainder of the R7, plus a barrier, has been upgraded from tertiary to tertiary, opening up to truck traffic. “This is exactly the kind of project that will greatly ease the lives of the inhabitants of Velky Meder, Ekecs, Nuns and Summer. We have finally relieved the road and made use of the posted traffic signs to make lorries use the 63rd priority road for a longer period of time, which is subject to a charge, ”said Érsek.


Thej continue R2

Construction will not stop on the southern expressway R2. In principle, I could start the construction of a section of the road between Saca (Šaca) - Košické Olšany and Kriváň-Mýtna, which is part of the longer section Kriváň-Lovinobaňa. The section from Mýtna to Lónyabánya is under construction and should be completed in the summer of 2021. In the first phase, the work could not be started due to complaints from the unsuccessful tenderer, but within a few weeks the appeal procedure will be completed and the winning consortium will be able to start work immediately.

if all goes well, thej could pass it on to traffic this year as well. Árpád Érsek (Bridge) Minister of Transport will conduct a final inspection day at the construction site in early February. “Then we'll see exactly what the construction is in and when we can hand over each section. On the road and here I am thinking not only of the expressway but also of the D4 ring road, construction is proceeding very well, so the traffic situation from Dunajská Streda and Somorja will really improve soon, ”the minister said.

Problem ring

Work will continue on the D4 ring road, and this year, sections of the motorway from the Keteleck intersection to Vienna should be phased in. The construction of the new Danube bridge is the same. The only problematic section, as acknowledged by Archbishop, is not quite a kilometer of the D4 at Jarovce. First, asbestos was found in the foundation of the road, and then load tests showed that the road had problems in this area as well, and was unlikely to withstand expected traffic. “The police have also been investigated here, many measurements have been made, but the whole case is not yet closed. We are working on this intensively, and I think we will find a solution by the end of January, ”the Minister of Transport said.


Disabled truck

In other regions inhabited by Hungarians, the expansion or improvement of the road network will not stop this year. After a long time, the 7 kilometer section between Alistal and Nyárasd, the railway crossing there, is being renovated, and it remains a matter of light on what will happen to the rest of the southern expressway. While the projects are largely in the pipeline, it will be up to the government after the February election to announce further tenders and start construction. It is more likely that, in the case of a government consisting of Slovak parties, a significant part of the money spent on transport projects will not be spent in the coming years on developing the southern road network. The experts in the Treasury Department of the Treasury did not recommend the continuation of the R2 expressway, saying the traffic in the region is not so dense as to warrant the construction of a freeway. Thej also criticized the Department of Transportation for announcing the race for the section of R2 that includes the Gorges tunnel. Preparations for a number of sections of the Southern Expressway are now ready to announce the race in the coming months - not only for the R2 sections, but for the R7 to continue to Dunajská Streda.
Rusty wall?

Many have noticed that the noise deflector walls along the R7 are rusty. According to the contractor, the walls are not rusty because thej are of poor quality, on the contrary. The walls are made of so-called corten steel, one of the features of which is rust. This steel is popular in modern architecture, mainly because of its strange patina. For example, a rust layer is rapidly formed on the surface of the steel, which does not impair the quality of the steel. The primary function of rust is to protect the steel from further corrosion. It takes two or three months for the material to get its final color.

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